Artist Spotlight: Angel Kristi Williams, CHARLOTTE

As a single footstep will not make a path on the earth, so a single thought will not make a pathway in the mind. To make a deep physical path, we walk again and again. To make a deep mental path, we must think over and over the kind of thoughts we wish to dominate our lives.

Henry David Thoreau










We are well into 2014. It seems that this year, like so many before, is moving more quickly than the last. Hopefully you’ve been able to take positive steps towards your goals and dreams, whatever they may be.

Filmmaker Angel Kristi Williams has taken 2014 head on. The Baltimore native is one of Film Independent’s Project Involve Fellows for 2014 – joining 29 other talented filmmakers. Her first short film, CHRISTMAS TREE, has been making festival rounds, and she is in pre-production on her next short, CHARLOTTE.

CHARLOTTE, set in Baltimore, MD, explores the development and relationship of two young girls. At its heart, the film is an exploration of friendship and what it means to be a woman. The city of Baltimore, which played a key role in Williams’ development, serves as an additional character.

Production is slated to begin the last week of March in Baltimore. Williams and her team are currently raising funds (via Seed & Spark, they have 2 days left to raise $11,000). Seed & Spark is pretty fantastic, because donors are able to see exactly how their money will be used. To find out more about the film, have a listen to Williams’ radio interview with the Marc Steiner Show and check out her feature in Indiewire.

Meanwhile, Williams was kind enough to grant an interview! Have a peek into this filmmaker’s mind and share her campaign, if inclined.



When did you know you wanted to be a director?

I was very young, probably about 8 years old. Every day after school I recorded a T.V. show with my younger brother. We had a VHS camcorder. It was pretty fancy too. I could edit and do effects in camera. I’d take notes in homeroom on Channel 1 (our school’s news programming) and report world, local, and entertainment news. Then we’d do a segment in the style of Arsenio Hall.

Since it was just the 2 of us, my brother was forced to be ALL of my special guests. We stopped recording the show shortly after he refused to be Michael Jackson.

 What’s been the most difficult part of your journey as a creative?

I think the most difficult part about being creative is knowing which stories to tell at what moment. Sometimes it feels great to have an idea in every pocket but it can be overwhelming as well. Right now I’m juggling ideas for my first feature.

 Why Baltimore? What has that city meant to you and what role did it play in your personal development?

I was born and raised in West Baltimore. I became an adult in Baltimore and my entire family is there. I can’t wait to return there to live but right now my life is in Los Angeles for work. I just think it’s a beautiful little city.  My heart will always be there.

How is this story reflective of the stories you’d like to tell?

I love provocative stories, ones that spark conversation and require participation from the audience. I like telling stories about characters that intrigue me in all their complexity.

 What creatives have been the most inspiring to you?

Vittorio De Sica – Bicycle Thief, Theodore Witcher – Love Jones, Wong Kar Wai – In The Mood For Love and, Melina Matsoukas.

Bicylcle Thiefinthemoodforlove


I’m thankful for having the courage to follow this dream of being a feature filmmaker and my journey thus far.



Follow Angel Kristi Williams’ journey: @angelkrist, @charlottemovie



One thought on “Artist Spotlight: Angel Kristi Williams, CHARLOTTE

  1. Pingback: Maryland Film Festival starts May 6 | The Baltimore Watchdog

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